Wednesday, December 7, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari suffered a “minor heart attack” and is in Dubai for a small operation but will return to Islamabad Thursday and is in good health, a minister told AFP on Wednesday.
Mustafa Khokhar, minister in charge of human rights, said that despite media reports there was “no question of any resignation” by Zardari, who is under pressure over a scandal that saw his ambassador to the US step down.
“He had a minor heart attack on Tuesday. He flew to Dubai where he had an angioplasty. He’s in good health now. He will come back tomorrow. There’s no question of any resignation,” said Khokhar.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Senator Azam Swati has resigned from the Senate and his party position, Express News reported on Wednesday.
Swati said he would reveal the reason for his resignation soon during a press conference, and claimed that the parliament was inactive and called on all parliamentarians to resign.
His tenure in the Senate was due to end on March 12. Swati was also the former minister for science and technology.

KABUL: An Afghan official claimed Wednesday that the bomber who attacked a shrine in Kabul was a Pakistani, affiliated with the sectarian militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ).
Afghans were Wednesday burying 59 people killed in unprecedented bombings against Shia Muslims as officials blamed Pakistani militants, accusing them of trying to whip up Iraq-style sectarian violence.
Investigators are poring over who was behind the coordinated attacks in the Afghan capital Kabul and northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif that the Taliban, the main faction leading a 10-year insurgency, have denied carrying out.
The LeJ has not previously claimed responsibility for any attacks in neighbouring Afghanistan.

Sindh: CNG stations to shut for 18hrs from 11pm Thursday * Firdous Ashiq Awan has been advised to rest after a car accident * Kabul: 59 people killed in unprecedented bombings against Shia Muslims as officials blamed Pakistani militants. For the News Alerts on your mobile type "Newse" to receive news in English or type "Newsu" to receive news in Urdu and send it to 2470. Service charges are 25+Tax for 30 days

 Sindh Government has lifted the ban imposed on pillion riding on motorcycles. For the News Alerts on your mobile type "Newse" to receive news in English or type "Newsu" to receive news in Urdu and send it to 2470. Service charges are 25+Tax for 30 days

Nato allies are due to meet on Wednesday hoping to calm Russian fears over their missile shield project but US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton angered Moscow by criticising its parliamentary elections.
Clinton is joining her 27 alliance counterparts in Brussels for two days of talks that will also touch on the Afghan war amid tensions with Pakistan after a Nato air strike on the Afghan border last month killed 24 Pakistani troops.
They will then meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday to tell him the missile shield will go ahead but that Nato still wants to negotiate a cooperation deal with Moscow, alliance diplomats said.

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